Friday, December 18, 2009

Boston Legal- Vocabulary

(11/10/09 blog post)

Boston Legal

1. Prong

2. Shock Jock

3. Rancours

The context of these words wasn't very helpful in giving clues about their meaning. I wanted to pick a show that I never watch- like Boston Legal- in order to be exposed to new language, but it was hard for me to follow and understand the episode because I was not aqcuinted with the storyline. I understood the general legal procedures but could not follow and comprehend the legal terms and the many unfamiliar words that were mentioned. Out of these three words, I think that I have only heard the word "prong" before. I usually try to look up the definition of any unknown word that I encounter and cannot recall hearing the words "shock jock" and "rancours".

The definitions of the above words are:

1. Prong: one of the pointed tins of a fork.

I think that I expected the word "prong" to be some kind of sharp object because it has a sharp sound to it.

2. Shock Jock: a radio disc jockey or host who features offensive or controversial material.

I figured that the word "shock jock" had something to do with a disc jockey because it has the word "jock" in it. It's interesting that this word has a pretty clear meaning:
Shock= offensive or controversial material
Jock= Jockey.

3. Rancours: bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.

The word "rancours" sounded like it was describing a mess or chaos, and its definition isn't a far stretch because it definitely has a negative denotation (being rancours could indeed cause chaos).

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