Friday, December 18, 2009

Just Listen

(11/3/09 blog post)

I closed my eyes at the library and listened to my surroundings. First of all, I find that when you temporarily cease using one sense (like sight), your other senses (like hearing)-- become sharper. The library is pretty quite, but as I shut my eyes I could distinctively hear many different sounds:

- Typing
- Mouse clicking
- Turning pages of books
- Ringing of keys
- Footsteps
- Whispering
- Quite giggling and laughter
- Music coming from earphones
- Cellphones ringing on vibrate mode

I knew what was going on around me because I have been to the library many times and have heard the above familiar sounds before. I didn't realize, however, how many sounds can be contained in a typically quiet place such as the library-- mostly because when my eyes are open I focus on a plethora of things, other than just sound.

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